Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bookplate Finals

Here is the final for the unicorn bookplate. I did another sketch inbetween the final and the last sketch.
This is the other bookplate I worked on (We had to do two). It's in the art deco style.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sneak Peak

Stage Three: A refined sketch. Now I was actually looking at pictures of horses. It's still on tracing paper though so I can still make some changes for the final sketch if I want before I transfer it onto illustration board.
Stage Two: A more refined version of the very rough sketch but still no reference. You can see it still looks cartoon-y. An over-all better design though.
Stage One: a rough sketch, no reference just a basic idea kind of thing. This is for my new assignment which is a bookplate done in a specific artistic style which in this case is Art Nouveau.

Massive Update Part 2!

Some woodblock prints (I think I've posted the polar bear before...) and some more oil paintings. The top two is a master study I did. The very top is a poster I have of the original and the one below that is my copy.

Massive Update Part 1!

This is some drawings and mostly practice paintings from last semester. The classes were Painting 1 and on of the Illustration Tools. Both classes were focused on painting in oils which was fun to learn.