Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One Blog to Rule Them All

Please visit me at my new blog at:

This one wont be updated any more in the foreseeable future. But don't worry! I imported all my old posts so if you have a favorite, you can still find it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

This is one of ten paintings done as part of my thesis. Here we see Princess Lolly as the quintessential drunk pop star.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog Re-Design!

Phew, I finally got around to sprucing this place up a bit! I've made it match my (new!) website a bit more, added some stuff, re-arranged some stuff, deleted some stuff, all in the hopes that this is a much better user experience. I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fantasy Landscape

For this assignment everybody in class made up their own perfect job and then we switched with one of our classmates and where the art director for them. My assignment was to create a fantasy/science fiction world and do some production art based on it for a movie.

Lewis Carroll piece

For a magazine article about Lewis Carroll and his weird relationship with the girl who inspired the Alice character. I put a varnish over the whole thing which made it very shiny and hard to scan. It needs a couple of touch ups in the background so it doesn't look so dark.